You don’t have to spend hours of IG screentime per day to scale your online business, you can

get found on
google instead.

Summit to the top of the search engines with this 12-week hybrid SEO course & group coaching programme for freedom fuelled, time-starved founders who are sick of putting all their marketing eggs in one Instagram sized basket.

Is that you?

what if in just 12 weeks you could learn...

 How to attract CONSISTENT “f*ck yes I’m IN” clients as a coach or a service-based business.

How to make HUNDREDS of sales of your product every single month through Google.

All without having to spend a penny on ads

Imagine having a rinse-and-repeat lead generation strategy that gave you

Daily pings of stripe notifications rather than pangs of dread that surface whenever you think about taking time out of your business 

The tools to generate daily sales in your business even when you’re on holiday, hanging with the kids…or just sitting in the garden enjoying a brew

The clarity to stop winging it and know exactly what your clients are looking for every time they search for what you do.

let me guess...

you’re at the 2-3 year point in your business, and you finally feel like you’ve mastered the social media algorithms, but if you’re honest you feel that little pang of fear inside you if you didn’t show up for a couple of weeks.

You started your business for the freedom, but kinda feel like if you go off grid you’ll lose all your leads, or have to spend weeks re-nurturing them if you come back.  

You’re ready to make passive sales, want to amplify your reach and your revenue and want to be the absolute “go-to” the second someone thinks of your niche. 

You keep seeing stuff online about SEO, but you have no bloody idea what it means or where to start – it sounds like a bit of a minefield and you’re unsure if it’s the needle mover you need in biz right now.

Spoiler alert: it is!

your Summit to the Top of the Google Search Pages..

Why should you want to get found on Google?

Google processes 8.5 billion searches per day. 

Imagine how many millions are searching in your specific niche…and with Get Found on Google, you won’t need to guess because we can find out the exact search volume for each and every keyword you want to rank for.


10% of those queries (850 million) have transactional intent. That’s 850 million people every single day wanting to buy something online…pretty wild. 


Google web traffic converts higher. Because it’s all about intent with Google, the conversion traffic for
my clients is usually far higher than social media. 


It also has an average higher order value than other channels and the order values tend to be higher.

People trawl social media for discount codes, people googling “best thing you sell” want a solution and fast…they’re not here to f*ck around.

Why should you want to get found on google?

I know how you feel about trying to rank on google...


Because I was where you are today.


No clue what SEO was, trying to grow my travel blog, spending 17-hour days on weekends staring blankly at my screen on the verge of launching my laptop out of the window…not that it would’ve done much damage – I lived in a basement suite at the time.


I was firmly in my 9-5 (well it was a 4am-12pm some days and a 2pm to 10pm gig others…you get it) on a working holiday in Canada, had been trying to grow my travel blog prior whilst backpacking South America…on a f*cking tablet – in 2015/2016 – no bueno…WordPress did NOT work.


And all I knew was that this SEO malarkey would be what would get me seen and generate income.


It scared me. So much technical JARGON, bullsh*t.


I’m a smart gal yet SEO still seemed soooo out of my depth and had NO idea the extent of it & how to use it.


But I knew if I wanted to monetise my blog, this shit was paramount and I had to work out how to harness it.


I immersed myself in everything and everything SEO and learnt how to conquer the search pages. When I closed my blog down due to personal reasons, I became a freelance SEO content writer, ghostwriting for companies like Wise (TransferWise) back then and huge digital marketing firms in the US.


Now I help business owners like you summit to the top of the search pages and Get Found on Google and frankly I couldn’t be more f*cking grateful for the days spent behind a laptop screen demystifying this & get to help you rank on Google without the headache.


"my sales from google are up 64%"

“I went from knowing literally NOTHING about Google to absolutely smashing it and increasing my impressions, clicks and conversions across the board within the first 8 weeks of joining Get Found on Google. 

I didn’t know how to track my Google Analytics before joining but at the end of the first month I was on about 83,000 impressions with 720 clicks a month, so I assume it was similar in previous months.

After completing Get Found on Google over 12 weeks, in the last month I’ve had 111,000 impressions on my business from Google, 949 clicks, the number of users visiting my site are up 68.7%, events up by 108.6%, sessions up 79.5% and conversions up by 64.4% 💸”


the six step get found on google framework

After spending years working with business owners across multiple industries and content writing for small businesses and billion dollar companies, I developed a foolproof framework that WILL get you results…

Whether you purchase the group coaching programme OR as a standalone course, here’s what’s covered in the training modules.

module one; Assess & ascend

Google Analytics and Google Search Console

Imagine trying to navigate your way up a mountain without a compass or trail map…it’d be a little bit sketchy, right? Google Analytics and Google Search Console will act as your guide as you summit your way to the top of the search engines. Here’s what’s covered in module one:

module TWO; strategic keyword research

Finding the right keywords

In this module, you’ll be acclimatising a little to on-page search engine optimisation and the basis of that; keyword research. Everything we cover in module three (site audit) is underpinned by choosing the correct keywords that your dream clients are searching for and harnessing the power of that. In this module we cover:

module three; clearing the path to seo success

Your Website SEO Audit

Now we know where we are, where we want to be and a routemap of how we want to get there…now comes the fun bit; starting the ascent and auditing your website. In this module, we clear the way for future SEO success by cleaning up all your site errors and optimising all your pages for on page SEO. Here’s what we cover:

module four; elevated content marketing

Your SEO Blogging Strategy

Blogging is the perfect way to boost your on-page SEO and add value to your audience. Plus, the average blog post has a life span of two whole years. Compared to Instagram’s 24-hour timeline for stories, this is gonna take your content creation to the next level. As someone who’s written content for BIG name brands, I’m leaning on my years of expertise here to share what will make your blog posts hit page one of Google. We’ll be covering:

module five; near me

Your Local SEO Strategy

This one’s for you bricks and mortar business owners. Or service providers operating in a specific locale. In this module we’re conquering the local search engine results pages, putting your business on the map (literally the Google map) so you can reach new heights in the local market. Here’s what we cover:

module six; diversification

Off page SEO and Building Backlinks

Imagine trying to navigate your way up a mountain without a compass or trail map…it’d be a little bit sketchy, right? Google Analytics and Google Search Console will act as your guide as you summit your way to the top of the search engines. Here’s what’s covered in module one:

here's the breakdown

your 12 week get found on google experience

Six modules delivered in a course portal jam-packed with SEO trainings & private resource vault (value £1997)

Bi-weekly calls with Sally or a trained SEO Expert (value £1182)

A dedicated Slack channel to ask Sally any questions throughout the 12 weeks (value £1200)

Three pre-recorded guest expert trainings (value £698)

Bi-Weekly Coworking Sessions for 12 weeks (value £597)

total value £6674

but you're getting this today for only £1497

But hang on… just ranking on Google and seeing your search traffic soar isn’t enough…sorry to burst your bubble.

It’s about CONVERTING those new website visitors into clients when they land on your page!

This is why I’ve brought in experts in their fields to elevate your on-page experience and get your dream clients to click buy now.

meet your guest experts

Pick of the Bunch Copy

Nicole is the founder of Pick of the Bunch Copy! She’s a lover of flowers, words, and supporting female entrepreneurs as they empower their audience, through copy & content arranged to connect, empower, convert, making you blooming unforgettable.

Nicole will be delivering a guest expert all around finding your unique tone of voice and using it to craft high-converting copy so we can turn those clicks into cash.

Michelle is the founder and force behind MK Creative Web Design.

Combining aesthetics with functionality, she specialises in designing & developing showstopping websites for impact-driven female-led businesses

She’ll be sharing industry secrets and strategies to accelerate your website’s performance during her power-packed guest expert session.


One time payment of



Three payments of


total investment £1997


Six  payments of


total investment £2200



Want to learn more about what joining Get Found on Google could look like? Check out the FAQs below

YES! This is designed for newbies with SEO. If you are a little bit more experienced with SEO but want to come for a refresh on your beginner to intermediate SEO skills then you’re more than welcome.

We recently changed Get Found on Google into an evergreen coaching experience, which means that you can join anytime. 

The evergreen support will commence from January 22nd 2024 and anyone who purchases Get Found on Google between 9th October 2023 and 21st January 2024 will be auto enrolled into this first cohort. 

You’ll get immediate access to the SEO trainings, the 12 weeks of live support will just begin January 22nd. 

Anyone who joins Get Found on Google after January 22nd will be auto-enrolled and added to the support channel upon payment of their first invoice. Support will start on the day of signing up and will continue for 12 weeks.

You will have lifetime access to the pre-recorded trainings. 

In order to keep the level support as high touch as possible, there will be no more than 15 students enrolled in the live element of support at any one time. 

If spaces are full when you sign up, you can pay a deposit to secure your start date for a date in the future. 

BOTH! The great thing about SEO is that it works for everyone! I’ll endeavour to bring in a variety of businesses to the programme. The previous 2 rounds of Get Found on Google have had a mixture of online service providers, local brick and mortar businesses and product-based businesses too. We can all learn from each other.

Yes. All the trainings are prerecorded. Live Q&A calls and guest experts will be recorded so you can catch the replay if you can’t attend live.

Yes. It’s huge! See below:


  • Welcome to GFOG Video
  • Introduction to SEO
  • Your SEO Strategy for Success & Competitor Analysis
    • Assets: Course Workbook

Module One: Tracking Your Data for Success

  • Welcome to Module One
  • How to Set Up and Verify Google Search Console (Preferred Method)
  • How to Set Up and Verify Google Search Console (Alternative Method)
  • How to Set Up Google Analytics 4
  • How to Submit a Sitemap to Google Search Console 
    • Asset: List of sitemap addresses
  • How to Find Where Your Website is Hosted
  • Adding Your Gtag to a WordPress Website & Checking It 
  • Introduction to Google Analytics 4 & Walkthrough
  • Navigating Google Search Console – How to Track your Search Traffic
  • How to Set Up eCommerce tracking in GA4 Using Google Tag Manager and WordPress (WooCommerce)
  • Module One Action Steps

Module Two: Keyword Research

  • Welcome to Module Two
  • Introduction to Keyword Research
  • Free Ways to do Keyword Research
  • How to use Google’s People Also Ask Tool for Keyword Research 
  • How to Use Answer the Public for Keyword Research
  • How to Use Chrome Plugins for Keyword Research
  • How to Use the Google Ads Keyword Planner for Keyword Research
  • How to Use Google Trends Tool for Keyword Research
  • How to Use the Paid Version of Ubersuggest for Keyword Research
  • How to Use the Paid Version of SEMrush for Keyword Research
  • Module Two Action Steps
    • Assets: Keyword Research Tracker

Module Three: Your Website Audit & Mastering Your On-Page SEO

  • Welcome to Module Three
  • Your Website Audit & Mastering Your On Page SEO
  • How to do a Site Audit using Ubersuggest (Paid)
  • How to do a Site Audit using SEMrush (Paid)
  • How to Use Moz to Check your Domain Authority and Page Authority 
  • How to Check Your Non-Indexed Pages in Google Search Console 
  • How to Use Screaming Frog to Audit Your Site and Find Broken Links
  • How to Use Ubersuggest’s Site Audit Tool to Find Broken Links
  • How to do a 301 Redirect Using RankMath (WordPress)
  • How to do a 301 Redirect Through Your Hosting 
  • Module Three Action Steps
    • Asset: SEO Site Audit Checklist (simplified)
  • GUEST EXPERTMichelle Kelly – Site speed/website optimization

Module Four: Content Marketing Success

  • Welcome to Module Four 
  • GUEST EXPERT – Nicole from Pick of the Bunch Copy – Brand Tone of Voice and Motif 
  • Content Marketing Success 
  • My Seven-Figure SEO Blog Post Framework 
    • ASSET: Blog Post Template
    • ASSET: SEO Blog Post Checklist
  • Module Four Action Steps 

Module Five: Local SEO

  • Welcome to Module Five
  • Local SEO 
    • ASSET: Google Business Optimisation Checklist
  • How to setup a Google Business Profile
  • How to Setup Bing Places 
  • Using the SEMrush Listing Management Tool to assess Local SEO
  • Module Five Action Steps 

Module Six: Off-Page SEO & Building Backlinks

  • Welcome to Module Six 
  • Off Page SEO and Building Backlinks
  • How to Search Twitter for #journorequest 
  • Navigating HARO requests 
  • GUEST EXPERT – Tips for Perfecting Your Pitchcraft with Rhiannon Bates from Garnet PR
  • How to Use Ubersuggest to spy on competitor’s backlinks
  • How to use SEMrush to get more backlinks
  • Module Six Action Steps
    • ASSET: Backlinks Tracker

Absolutely! I understand as the CEO of your business, you may not want/be able to commit to the course, especially if you’re not the one implementing. I’m more than happy for you to send your team member to calls on your behalf. If you want to train multiple members in this course, please reach out to me for group pricing as the price for Get Found on Google is based on 1 attendee and is not available for redistribution

Yes!! The last round of Get Found on Google had three incredible web designers on board. This is perfect for skills development so you can offer additional services as a web designer.

Absolutely! See the above information for web designers. You can definitely use Get Found on Google as a skills development course if you’re looking at offering SEO services for a client. 

join Get Found on Google before the end of the month to lock in exclusive bonuses worth £816!

SEO Success Bundle (worth £73)

A 30-minute 1:1 SOS call with Sally  to use anytime between now and the end of your 12 weeks of support (worth £249)

SEO-optimised ChatGPT prompts for effortless optimisation (worth £97)

SEO for Social Media Masterclass (Worth £97)

A custom website crawl to check your SEO errors  (Worth £300)



One time payment of



Three payments of


total investment £1997


Six  payments of


total investment £2200

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