Introduction to the Buyer Journey and Customer Awareness Journey


THE fundamentals of any marketing strategy. The buyer journey and the stages of awareness they go through at each stage.

Both work seamlessly hand in hand to create a marketing roadmap that gets your clients from where they are now to where they want to be.

Join this masterclass and start the CLIMB to the top of the marketing mountain today.

Introduction to the Buyer Journey & Customer Awareness Journey: Master the CLIMB to Customer Success

Sharpen your marketing strategies with our Introduction to the Buyer Journey & Customer Awareness Journey training.

For business owners like YOU who are serious about carving out a path that resonates with every step of their customer’s journey. This training, led by our founder and Chief Marketing Maverick Sally is all about giving you a  route map to navigate the wild world of marketing and consumer behaviour.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Understanding the Buyer Journey: We’ll you how it’s more than a path; it’s a climb, and every stage is crucial
  • The CLIMB Framework: Introducing our Signature CLIMB framework – your essential tool for engaging customers at every elevation of their journey.
  • The Customer Awareness Journey: Get to grips with the different stages of customer awareness and learn why it’s important to tweak your strategy at each stage.

This training is not just about learning; it’s about applying. This IS the fundamentals of marketing and is designed to help you see your customers’ journey from a new perspective so you can make informed marketing decisions that will guide them to buy.

Join our Introduction to the Buyer Journey & Customer Awareness Journey Training and start the CLIMB today!


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