Master Your Messaging Masterclass:
Navigate the tricky terrain of marketing with words that connect and convert with your ideal client.
The Master Your Messaging Masterclass is perfect for business owners ready for real-world results (read cash in the bank from your content).
Consider it your compass to communication success.
Leave behind the guesswork that generic marketing messaging tactics bring…and STOP sounding like a CTRL+V of every other Coach and Service Provider out there.
After this masterclass, you’ll:
- Understand WTF messaging really is: We’ll clear the path, showing you the power of messaging in marketing and how it can take you to your next level of business of success. This stuff works whether you’re seeking your first £1000 month or first £100,000 month.
- Gain Crystal Clear Clarity: On who your ideal client is and what questions you need to ask them AND yourself so you can nail your message every time you post.
- Start Using Levelled Up Language: and regularly post EXACTLY what your Ideal Client needs to see and hear today so that they feel activated to buy from you.
- Boost your Brand Voice: So you don’t blend in a sea of the same. We chat brand tone of voice and how to create a memorable motif that will not only boost your brand recognition but will also build brand loyalty.
- Know How to Market to the Four Different Buyer Types: And tailor your message based on their buyer behaviours so you’re not alienating 70% of your audience when you post.
Ready to FINALLY communicate your offer with precision and persuasion even if you feel like your content has been lacklustre of late?
With guidance from our founder, Sally, in this training, you’ll discover how to map out a marketing message that elevates your brand and connects with your audience on every level.
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