
marketing coaching for online businesses

Learn how to become a sold-out service provider from a service provider who still does it and doesn’t make all her money from coaching

Does this sound familiar?...

90% of your sales come from word of mouth and the occasional DM but frankly it’d be nice if you had a rinse-and-repeat process to get clients weekly…you look around at all these people signing clients through social media and think..HOW?!


You spend hours every single week on your content but because of your lack of experience in marketing and sales you feel you’re questioning if you’re doing it right…is it really doing the leg work for you. 


You have some client results, but you hold back from sharing them because you feel like they’re not as good as Felicia’s who just made her client £10k in 10 minutes (spoiler alert: they are)


You’ve tried MULTIPLE strategies but haven’t been the most consistent because it’s hard when you don’t see results, you don’t know how long to try it for. 


Your audience isn’t growing and you feel like you’re boring your existing followers by always saying the same thing…selling to them feels like a slog.

right mate – we’re gonna change this narrative….but first, step away from that boost post  button right now before you do something silly… 

the Business Basecamp is where you’ll learn how to market your business  ORGANICALLY.


Marketing that gets you seen, sought after and sold out!

if you're ready to...

Create messaging that actually works. Messaging that attracts people who don’t tap the sticker by accident and DM you the word when you ask them to.


Understand sales and marketing so well that selling becomes your new fave thing to do in business…yes, you get to have a laugh, have fun with your marketing and not feel like you’re doing a checkbox exercise that fills you with dread each week. 


Make enough money to turn your business into a full time gig, not a side hustle.

Work and travel if that’s your vibe…or just create something that gives you freedom of choice; build a business that’s not something to just live off but a business that helps you live your best life. 


Become the go-to in your industry, a recognised and referred leader in your space
so that whenever someone mentions the type of business you do, you’re the first person
that comes to mind.


Throw the “shoulds” out of the window and become a Marketing Maverick yourself.


Learn and implement the strategies to keep clients around for more than their initial 3-month period and send their customer lifetime value into the stratosphere.

About me...

Hey hey, I’m Sally, Marketing Maverick, Omnichannel Marketing (that means marketing your business on more than one platform BTW) enthusiast, seasoned online service provider and I’m on a mission to put more money in the hands of women like you because frankly we fucking deserve it.


My journey to fully booked business owner deffo wasn’t a clear-cut, straight and narrow path but it equipped me with the tools and knowledge to navigate you through ANY marketing and business sh*t storm and help you sell out with simplicity.

i spent most of my 20s...

travelling and working and as I approached 30 – I knew that the travel bug was never gonna leave and I wanted to build a business that gave me freedom of choice and more fulfilment…

at the time I was freelance content writing, here and there..but everytime I booked a trip I’d run out of clients and cash.

I founded 49 North Digital in 2021 after years of being in the freelancer in the feast/famine cycle… I wanted something more sustainable and have spent the last three years building on my 5 years prior experience to create a business that I’m not just fully booked in, but one that I’m OBSESSED with too. 

I’ve since gone to grow the agency side of my business to over six figures in revenue.

i don't do cookie-cutter

and I want to help you make your marketing efforts feel fun so that you’re eager to show up and sell out your offers.

Right now, you feel like you’ve been standing in the way of your own success, and holding yourself back with marketing…whether it’s from lack of clarity or trusting that you’re doing the right thing. 

But it’s time to create a clear, unobstructed route to the summit of your success and become fully booked and thriving in your online business.

what it's like working with me

the business basecamp framework

I’ve built a signature framework designed to help you stand out to sell out. It’s based on the buyer journey – a proven marketing framework that leverages and leads your audience to buy from you

are you ready to start the climb?

Your summit to sold out looks like …


Step one is building a community. Learn the omnichannel marketing strategies I use to 5-10x the number of eyes on my business and on my multiple six figure/year clients plus how I grew 1k followers in just one week by creating community content.


Learn to leverage and nurture that community, build that know like and trust factor, and guide them through the customer awareness journey so that they’re knocking down your DMs to work with you.


Learn to sell through value and sell without selling. Discover the most effective (and ick-less) ways to message your offer and INVITE the sale; driving a consistent flurry of enquiries on the daily.

multiple offers

Post sale, this is where most people stop…but it’s not over yet and THIS is where your marketing gets interesting. Did you know it costs 5x more to attract new clients that it does to keep them? I’ll teach you to market multiple offers so you can keep your clients in your world for longer and increase their lifetime spend with you.


Boost your brand by letting your current clients do the marketing leg work FOR you. Deliver exceptional client experience so they champion your business; broadcasting how f*cking epic you and your service is. Customer advocacy through broadcasting turns your followers into a small fortune.

consistent high cash months, multiple revenue streams, random trips booked, a freedom-filled life... it's possible for you too.

let's break it down...what's in it for you?

Let’s see what 12 months of support will look like…

Personalised Action Plan (Worth £300)

After filling your onboarding form out, Sally will personally reach out with a plan of action to help you stride towards your goals in the next 3 months and will provide quarterly check-ins for accountability and to check you’ve not wandered off path.

Monthly Trainings/Workshops (Worth £3600)

Pre-recorded trainings  (with homework) dropped into your personal portal
every single month so that you can smash your sales goals with ease

Monthly Group Coaching Call with Sally (Worth £5388)

Catch up with your coach and ask anything and everything related to your trainings,
marketing and selling out your products and services

Monthly Coworking (Worth £2364)

Since actions peak louder than words (spot the motif), let’s come together
to co-work once a month to map out our marketing moves

Community Slack Support (Worth £5964)

My business would be nothing without the community I’ve built and the same goes for you…
a place to network and collab with your peers and support/cheer each other on. Plus Sally will be dropping her 2 cents in there too because she can’t stop herself 😂

Quarterly Planning Sessions (Worth £1796)

What are you selling this quarter? Your marketing strategy is fuelled by your sales strategy so once a quarter we’ll meet up to roadmap your current months, capacity plan and make sure you nail your sales goals.

Guest Experts (Worth £1997)

Quarterly marketing trainings from leaders in their field to
elevate and enhance your new found marketing know-how

total value for 12 months


but you won't be paying close to that...


£1297 or £129/mo

waitlist pricing

£997 or £111/mo

only available for the first 12 people who join

plus an incredible waitlist bonus

A 60-minute 1:1 with Sally (worth £500)


Pay in Full Bonus: 60-min 1:1 with Sally (worth £500)

Yep that’s 2 extra 1:1 calls if you are on the waitlist, join and pay in full for 12 months!

bonus value


that’s £22,409 of value and 12 months working together for less than the cost of your daily brew.

your payment options...

Pay Monthly

12 months in the business basecamp
£ 119 per month for 12 months
  • Monthly Trainings
  • Monthly Q&A
  • Monthly Co-Working
  • Community Accountability/ Support
  • Quarterly Planning Sessions
  • Quarterly Guest Experts

Pay annually

12 months in the business basecamp
£ 997 annual pay in full WAITLIST ONLY £1197 non-waitlist
  • Monthly Trainings
  • Monthly Q&A
  • Monthly Co-Working
  • Community Accountability/ Support
  • Quarterly Planning Sessions
  • Quarterly Guest Experts
  • Pay in Full Bonus: 1 x 60-minute marketing road mapping session with Sally (worth £497)
Best Value

pay monthly rolling

cancel anytime
£ 149 per month (cancel anytime)
  • Monthly Trainings
  • Monthly Q&A
  • Monthly Co-Working
  • Community Accountability/ Support
  • Quarterly Planning Sessions
  • Quarterly Guest Experts


sure thing! If you need more flexibility with your investments (I get that, I’ve been there). I offer a monthly rolling option. 
However the best value is when you join us for 12 months. It also gives you accountability to stick at something long term.

F*ck no! The strategies I teach have helped coaches, service providers, product based businesses/ecommerce brands and bricks and mortar businesses. 

Sales pages require specificity so I’ve spoken to the service provider a lot here, but I have the capacity to support other business owners too.

Variety is the spice of life and I want to build a community of people who aren’t ALL just online space so we can learn and grow together.

This is an evergreen membership that you can join any time.

You’ll get immediate access to your portal which includes all prior trainings and Q&A recordings when you join. 

Access will be revoked if you choose to end the membership after your initial 12 months. 

Upon joining, everyone will get access to some fundamental stuff to get you set up for success. 

Access to the Buyer Journey and Customer Awareness Journey Training and access to the Master Your Messaging bundle so you can do the deep work around your ideal client, your messaging and explore having a motif for your brand. 

Then, every month, new trainings will be dropped to help you based around the buyer journey and the first three stages my signature CLIMB framework; Community, Leverage and Invite…which will be enough to get you fully booked in your business.

So far we have trainings on:

  • Instagram growth
  • Selling through content 
  • Launching
  • Email Marketing 
  • SEO
  • Repurposing content
  • Measuring data and analytics 
  • Planning your year/quarter

At present, the Business Basecamp isn’t capped but I promise if you attend the calls I will make sure your marketing questions are answered. As the business basecamp grows, more calls will be added to accommodate more people.

Trainings/Workshops will be dropped the 1st Wednesday of each month. If we have a live workshop it’ll be at 6am PST/9am EST/2pm GMT

Coworking will be on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6am PST/9am EST/2pm GMT.

Q&A will be the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6am PST/9am EST/2pm GMT..

Occasionally, the schedule may need to change, but you’ll be given plenty of notice. 

If you can’t attend Q&A I will give you the opportunity to drop questions prior to the call and make sure I answer them on the call so you have them on replay

As the group grows I will begin to put on additional Q&A calls to ensure everyone can access one Q&A per month.

Abso-bloody-lutely! I feel like that’s all I need to say on that 🤣

I can't wait to help you create results like these

This is your fork in the road moment, you have two options right now…


One stay where you are, keep playing the guessing game trying to figure all 

this marketing malarkey out. 


Two join us inside the business basecamp and gain access to a seasoned service provider who’s fully booked and knows what it takes to hit consistent £7k months as a SERVICE PRO.


Which path are you taking?

waitlist opens in...

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