How to Use Social Media to Make Sales in Your Virtual Assistant Business


As a virtual assistant, you’re used to scaling mountains of work for your clients on the daily.

But how do you climb the social media mountain yourself and effectively promote your business when you’re almost running multiple businesses too?

Social media has become the go-to marketing tool for online business owners and while I do believe that having an online presence across multiple platforms is the best way to grow and scale an online service based business, today we’re pin pointing how you can adapt your social media strategy to make sales.

So, if you’re ready to start attracting dream clients through your social media channels and want to learn how to effectively use social media for your virtual assistant business, so you can climb to new heights and achieve success, this post is for you.

Step One: What’s the Point of Marketing Your Business on Social Media

Before you start posting on social media, you need to start getting strategic AF. Otherwise you’ll essentially be throwing sh*t at the wall and seeing what sticks…not the vibe.

So, let’s start by having a clear objective.

Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or generate leads?

This article is about how to use social media to make sales in your virtual assistant business, so I’m assuming it’s the latter.

Nevertheless, sit down and think about why you’re positing on socials because your objectives will guide your social media strategy and help you measure the effectiveness of your efforts.

Step Two: Ideal Client Clarity

Heard this a million times? Good! You’re about to hear it for the millionth and first time because this foundational element is the difference between posting for everyone and speaking to no-one on social media and actually getting DMs on Instagram saying “OMG you’re in my head”.

From now on, whenever you’re creating content, I want you to speak to one person – the person that you’re dying to work with. Who are they? Where are they in business right now? Where do they want to be? What are their pain points and desires. Start building a blueprint of your ideal client that answers all these questions.

Because once you have a clear understanding of your audience, you can tailor your content and messaging to resonate with them.

Step Three: Master Your Messaging

Which brings me to my next point.

Because your messaging will make or break your offer.

If people don’t know your offer is for them or can’t understand what you’re saying to them, then they won’t purchase because they’ll feel confused.

What types of content will resonate with your target audience? What will activate and inspire them to take action? What will give them a kick up the arse to take action. Newsflash, it’s not posts about “what is a virtual assistant”, or “why you should hire a virtual assistant?”

It’s content that’s along the lines of, it’s 4pm on Tuesday, you’ve manually onboarded 10 clients for your next group programme, your Voxer is blowing up and you’ve not looked up from your screen today, is ‘this’ what they meant about £10k months being “easy” – You’d then go into the why of why your services are gonna help them clean that shit up.

You see the latter post speaks directly, in their language to exactly what they’re feeling right now. They read that and think fuckkkk she’s in my head. How do you create content like that?

Use your bloody ears and listen. Hop on market research calls, do polls in your stories, re-read any client onboarding forms. Listen to how your ideal client is currently describing their situation.

This is something I go into deep with customers in my Marketing Power Hours.

After just one session, one of my clients managed to fully book out her service-based business and open up more slots to deal with the demand.

She said that people were saying to her “I’m not too sure how this works, but I know this is how I feel right now. Attraction marketing at its finest ladies.

Step Four: Choose the Right Social Media Platforms to Market YOUR Business

There are sooo many social media platforms out there, but not all of them will be relevant to your virtual assistant business.

If you’re new around here, you might not know that I’m a fan of omnipresent marketing, which means to market your business everywhere. If you’re a seasoned follower, you’ll hear me not shut up about it. However, there’s a difference between posting on multiple platforms strategically and just posting on platforms for the sake of posting.

The key thing is to be on platforms where your target audience is most active and engaged.

For example, despite the Instagram Algorithm triggering the f*ck out of me on an almost permanent basis. I know my ideal clients are on there. So I show up on there. Nowadays, every single damn day. Because I want my ideal clients to see me.

I also post to TikTok as an outreach platform and to Pinterest to further boost my search engine strategy. I’m trying to be more consistent on LinkedIn, but I’m NGL, I’m feeling the resistance.

If you’re reading this blog, and you found me through Google – heyyyyy – it’s because it was written for you and it was written with strategy and intent. That doesn’t make it any less valuable, it just means there’s a reason behind posting this blog. I’m not throwing sh*t at the wall.

Step Five: Be F*cking Social on Social Media

Ohhh, you CBA getting to know your potential ideal clients in the DMs but are moaning you’re not fully booked…poor you.

Seriously though, there’s this odd sense of entitlement from some online business owners that clients should just come to them with zero effort, and although I was getting spicehhh AF there, I actually don’t fully blame you. Because the internet is littered with messaging that says do the bare minimum to get maximum results…and it perpetuates this lack of action in your business.

But social media is designed to be… well, social.

Make sure to respond to comments and messages in a timely manner, and proactively engage with your audience. Share their post and add your two cents, comment on their updates, and have a natter in appropriate groups and discussions.

This will help you build relationships with potential clients and establish yourself as an expert in your field. My Instagram has been going for nearly two years now and nearly every single client that comes to me has built a relationship with me prior.

Step Six: What Gets Measured Gets Maximised

Finally, it’s important to measure the results of your social media efforts.

Use native analytics tools as well as any third party apps to measure the performance of content.

I like to keep a tracker of who reaches out and when so I can see what content I posted that day to see if it was that which encouraged them to take the leap.

I’ve also hopped on the trend of “DM me the word [INSERT WORD] for more info” because it helps me to identify my most powerful content.

I can then track my performance and adjust my strategy accordingly. Pay attention to metrics like engagement rate, reach, website clicks, DM conversations started as well as follower growth to get a sense of what’s working and what’s not.

So, what do you think? Are you ready to start signing more clients as a Virtual assistant? let me know in the comments below.
